We invite you to come Join our team to work for the welfare of poor children and underprivileged children and their families. We truly believe that volunteers are the backbone of every organization – not only do they carry the organization’s ideals within them and help the organization in implementing them on the ground, they also spread the message far and beyond, sensitizing the society towards the cause. Undertaking various initiatives in the field of education, health & nutrition, and child protection, we are constantly on the lookout for passionate individuals driven to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children.

DIR-India received two university interns from University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, Canada. Andrea Sadowski and Michaela Reist joined DIR.

Abhishek is a student of B.A.LLB 1st year at DNLU Jabalpur, done his internship with DIR India.


  • Michael says:

    Morbi ultrices consequat viverra. Nullam leo felis, dignissim vitae blandit pharetra, volutpat ut leo. In iaculis lacus vel porta vestibulum. Pellentesque ac est iaculis, tincidunt sem nec, auctor lacus. Maecenas enim arcu, facilisis ut mauris vitae, efficitur consequat dui.

  • April Harris says:

    Fusce urna augue, volutpat quis pharetra nec, fringilla a enim. Etiam dapibus accumsan libero vehicula vestibulum. Nunc justo augue, vehicula vel mauris id, blandit laoreet urna. Integer placerat euismod lorem vitae viverra. Sed cursus est justo, quis consequat est lacinia id. Praesent semper pulvinar sollicitudin.

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